Surgical Procedures

Surgical Procedures Dental Surgery in Brooklyn, NY
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Bone grafting is often closely associated with dental restorations such as bridgework and dental implants. The success of a restoration procedure can hinge on the height, depth, and width of the jawbone at the implant site. When the jawbone associated with missing teeth shrinks, or has sustained significant damage, the implant(s) cannot be supported on this unstable foundation. Bone grafting is usually recommended. We can use your actual tooth to perform the bone graft by using your extracted tooth’s healthy structure. We utilize a special grinder and perform the bone graft with the ground up material.

An extraction is the process of having your tooth removed. You may need an extraction because of disease, trauma, or crowding. If a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, your dentist will try to fix it with a filling, or other treatment customized to your needs.

What is the tooth extraction procedure?
Before beginning, your dentist will inject local anesthesia into your gums. With a simple extraction, your dentist loosens the tooth with an elevator. He then removes it with forceps.

A more complex extraction is needed if your tooth has broken off. A surgical extraction may be necessary. Your doctor will need to make a small incision in your gum to remove the tooth.

Ridge Augmentation
This is a common dental procedure often performed following a tooth extraction. It helps recreate the natural contour of the gums and jaw. The contour may have been lost due to bone loss from a tooth extraction.

What does the ridge augmentation procedure involve?
During this procedure, your dentist will place a ridge into your empty socket where the tooth root once was. The gum tissue is then sutured closed. After the site heals, you are ready for an implant.

Gum Surgery

There are a few types of Gum surgery done at our office that include;

- Pocket Reduction Surgery (aka Gingival Flap Surgery). Gum disease causes pockets around your teeth. This happens because bacteria grow in between your teeth and gums and destroys bone and tissue. When the pockets become too deep it’s difficult to clean the bacteria out. The disease-causing the bacteria needs to first be removed. Then irregularities in the bone are fixed.
- Regeneration. Regeneration is regrowing missing teeth from stem cells. Stem cells are cells found throughout the body that can differentiate into other types of cells. Today stems cells can grow cartilage, bone, and fat. You can use dental regeneration to restore pulp tissue or a whole tooth. Your own cells can be planted in your socket to regenerate a new tooth.
- Soft Tissue Graft. A soft tissue graft is used to prevent or slow down gum recession. A flat of tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and added to your gum tissue connected to the teeth. It may take a week or two to heal from a soft tissue graft.

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LuxDen Dental Center
2579 East 17th Street #11,
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 382-3444

Our Location on the Map

Nearby Locations:
Sheepshead Bay | Homecrest | Gravesend | Brighton Beach | Manhattan Beach
11235 | 11229 | 11223 | 11235

Working Hours:
Monday: 10AM - 8PM
Tuesday: 10AM - 8PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10AM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM - 3PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10AM - 3PM

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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LuxDen Dental Center